Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Storytelling festival.


Hello there! I am a little bit sad because this is the last blog that I will publish and the last activity that I will do in this amazing course. Let me tell you that I really loved writing in this journal because it made me realize that I found an easy way to share my feelings, emotions, and experiences. Personally, I am not good at sharing my feelings, but I discovered that writing is a good way to do it. I will really miss this activity as I enjoyed writing, and what I will miss the most is reading my classmates' blogs. 

Today, I will share with you my experience at the storytelling festival. 

To begin with, we decided to change our short story "Olenka by Anton Chekhov" to "On the train tracks by Salarrué". Even though we loved the first story we chose, we decided to work with a new one because we thought that the first one was going to be complicated to dramatize. Honestly, I loved the stories written by Salarrué and I really enjoyed reading his book "Tales of Clay" as it represents our Salvadoran society. I consider that it was not difficult to work with the second story because it was shorter, it didn't have many characters, and the main idea and the message were easy to understand.

After that, my classmates and I decided what costumes we were going to wear to play the characters. In my case, I played the role of the station's chief, so the costume wasn't complicated at all. I wore a long-sleeved black shirt, black jeans, a red handkerchief, and a black cap that I made myself. Getting this costume was simple because I wear these clothes every day and I didn't have to look for something special to wear, so it was a great advantage that our story included these types of clothes. 

Besides that, the scenario to record my video wasn't difficult to create either because the only thing I used was a long green cloth that I put behind me. Let me explain to you why it was the only item I used for this activity. First, the scene that I had to record included some natural settings like a garden, a plow field, and others, but unfortunately, I don't have those places at home. Second, I decided that I was going to use a green screen to create those places on a program. Third, I knew that if I used a green screen, I was going to be able to add many details to my video. After having prepared my scenario, I recorded each scene, which was really challenging because I wasn't satisfied with the videos, so I recorded many of them until I got the perfect ones. It was actually sort of exhausting since I had to record 5 or 6 short scenes. As I already mentioned, I am not good at acting, but I am really sure that I did a great job. I guess. hahaha

Finally, the most frightening part of this activity was the editing of the video. I will say that editing the video was the most difficult part of the storytelling because it took me so long to join all the scenes that I recorded. For editing my video, I decided to use Filmora where thanks to the chromatic key I could add many details to the video. I added landscapes and some objects to the video. I also added some special sounds to improve the narration. 

In summary, it was a wonderful experience. I really loved it because I had fun recording and editing the video, and I loved the final result.




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Storytelling festival.

 TUESDAY 28TH NOVEMBER 2023 20:00 Hello there! I am a little bit sad because this is the last blog that I will publish and the last activity...