Sunday, November 26, 2023

Writing a short story

 SUNDAY 26TH NOVEMBER 2023. 17:00

Hello everyone! How are you doing? I really hope that everything is okay. I'm really sure that you are very excited to finish our courses this month as much as I am. Today, I will tell you more about my experience writing a short story for our Literature course I. Let me tell you that it was an experience that I really enjoyed a lot. 

First, writing this short story was quite difficult at the beginning because I was not as creative as my classmates. Honestly, I didn't have any idea what to write about it. Even though I had written some short stories before, or at least I had tried to write some, this time was totally different because I knew what a short story was made of or what elements had to include, so I needed to make sure we were following the correct steps to create a short story. Knowing about the elements of a short story helped me a lot in creating it since I knew that I had to develop the setting, characters, message, etc. As you know to write, we usually start by brainstorming what we did and what was the most important step in our writing because it was useful to decide what we were going to write about. 

After brainstorming for some hours, we finally decided that we wanted to write about romance. From my point of view, writing about romance was not difficult at all as we were really familiar with it, so it wasn't challenging to imagine different possible scenarios we could write about. I will also say that romance is a literature genre where we can clearly share our feelings. It is a genre that allows us to share the romantic experiences we have gone through. We sometimes do not find a way to share our feelings or emotions; however, writing becomes a means to get rid of our thoughts. That is why, I can say that when we wrote about romance, the ideas came to us fast and easily. 

Second, writing in a group was an amazing experience. I realized that when we write in a group, it becomes easier because everyone has different ideas, experiences, or perspectives, so when we were writing, everyone contributed to creating the story with their ideas. I remember that all the members of the group were writing their ideas on a document, and then we read them and decided which ideas we were going to use. Of course, before writing the complete story, we first created an outline of the scenes we were going to develop in the story. Having an outline is important when we write because it is a guide that helps you to remember the points you have to develop in your writing. Once we were done with our outline, we began to write in depth. For this, all of us worked on a different scene since we knew what the story was going to be about. When we completed this step, we read the story together to edit, revise, and check the ideas. It was a long process that took us some time, but working in a group made this activity effortless. 

Third, recording the audio of our story was the most difficult part of this activity. I have never been good at acting, so whenever I have to role-play, it becomes complicated because I do not like acting. I didn't know how to narrate the story with emotion. I wasn't sure how to play the role of the character. I wasn't sure what the tone and pace of my voice had to be but in the end, I did my best recording the audio and I tried to transmit the emotions and feelings that the story evoked. 

To sum up, writing this story was a great experience. I really had fun working on it with my classmates. Of course, I loved the story that we created and I think we should publish it. Maybe one day, we will publish our book "The True Love Book". 

Thank you so much for reading. Have a wonderful day. 

Friday, October 6, 2023



Hi there! How was your week? I hope that you are doing okay. Today, I will talk about something different because I will share with you one of my favorite songs that I really love listening to. On this occasion, I will do an analysis of the song called "Iridescent" by Linkin Park, an American rock band. Of course, all of us will have different interpretations of this song, but I will analyze it from my own experience and perspective. 

Well, let's start by defining the particular name of this song. According to Oxford Language "Iridescent" means "showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles."In the context of this song, it means seeing life from different perspectives or seeing the silver lining of life.

Let me tell you more about this song, Iridescent is part of the album "A Thousand Suns", which was released on September 14, 2010. An interesting fact about this song is that it served as the theme song for the film Transformers: Dark of the Moon. 

Now, let's analyze its lyrics deeply.

Iridescent by Linkin Park

When you were standing in the wake of devastation

When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown

And with the cataclysm raining down, insides crying, "Save me now"

You were there, impossibly alone

In this verse, we can clearly understand that sometimes we may feel lost or overwhelmed by different situations that happen in our lives. Sometimes, the loss of a loved one, a breakup, a terminal disease, or even a bad day at college or work can make us feel devastated and depressed. These feelings are totally normal because they are what makes us human. It happens that we usually tend to think that someone has a perfect life just because he or she looks really happy, is successful, or has a good job or money. However, the truth is that we never know what is going on in the lives of people since they are really good at hiding their emotions, and they will never tell you "I am depressed" or "I am not doing well". Most of them just scream inside "Save me now" without having the courage to speak up or admit that they need help or someone who can listen to them.

We shouldn't be afraid or ashamed of talking about depression because mental health should be our high priority, so don't feel ashamed of talking about your feelings and emotions with the people you trust the most. Don't stay silent because you are valuable, you are meaningful, you matter, and you can overcome whatever comes to you because you are strong enough to face life. 

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?

You build up hope, but failure's all you've known

Remember all the sadness and frustration

And let it go

Let it go

To continue, even though you may think that your problems, your illnesses, or your difficulties seem to have no solution, there is always a solution for everything, but sometimes that solution doesn't come immediately as we would like to. We need to learn to be more patient. Everything that we want to get in our lives entails a process that may sometimes be short or long, pleasant or painful, sad or happy, but what really matters here is that you don't give up and that you keep on having hope that you will achieve your goals, that your wounds will heal, or that you will be okay. 

Imagine, for example, a person who decides to go to the gym to lose weight, but after one month, he gives up and doesn't want to continue going because he didn't see any results. What will happen? This person will never achieve his goal if he doesn't have discipline and perseverance. So, solutions never come fast, sometimes we have to go through a long process to see progress. Solutions are not easy at all, they may sometimes require discipline, patience, motivation, time, and dedication. Be patient because the right time will come for you. 

I also think that one of the things we are afraid of the most is failure. Accepting failure is one of the most difficult things to do because we don't want to be seen as losers. Imagine this, a person may not be good at math, and he or she decides to invest all his or her time to become good at it. It seems fair to want to improve, right? but what if this person is good at art, languages, or literature? Don't you think this person is wasting his or her talent? Sometimes, accepting failure can help us to find success. Why should I insist on something I cannot do? Well, I should better focus on what I am good at. If you are not good enough at something, you are not a failure, but you have not yet discovered what your true talents are.

A final thought for this song is that you need to stop regretting the past. Don't blame yourself for the things you didn't do, for the places you didn't visit, or for the things you didn't say because you cannot change the past. Don't lose your time or your energy overthinking about your past. The "what if" doesn't exist, what if I had done this, what if I had said this, the only thing you can do is to learn from your experiences and focus on the present time. "Remember all the sadness and frustration, and let it go." Don't get stuck in your past, mistakes, or bad decisions you made. Move on because better things await you. 




Saturday, September 30, 2023

Broken Bones Part III


Hi there! I really hope that everything is okay. 💖

Today, I will explain to you more about "foot drop" (a medical condition I was diagnosed with ten years ago), but to understand this condition we have to study the anatomy and physiology of lower limbs. Do not worry if you have never studied the anatomy of the human body because I will try to explain it as clearly as possible. Let's first take a look at a picture of this condition so that you can have a better idea of it. 😌

Before we go deeper into the explanation, I want you to move your ankle up and down, inwards and outwards. It was really easy, wasn't it? Well, let me tell you, I've been trying to make those moves for over ten years, and I still can't make them. 😑 Why? Let me explain to you more about it. 

What is a foot drop?
Patients with a foot drop cannot lift their forefoot, and they usually drag their foot along the ground which can make them trip or fall easily. Moreover, they cannot perform dorsiflexion, plantar flexion, eversion, or inversion of the ankle. 

What are the causes?
There are many causes of this medical condition such as nerve damage (peroneal nerve damage), spinal cord injuries, or muscle disorders (muscular dystrophy). In my case, I injured my spinal cord causing damage to the peroneal nerve (a branch of the sciatic nerve divided into peroneal and tibial nerves) which is one of the most important nerves of the lower extremities because it allows motor and sensory function to the lower leg. This nerve is responsible for the movement of the ankle (dorsiflexion and eversion), foot, and toes. 

How is it diagnosed?
There are many ways of diagnosing this condition including physical and neurological examination, imaging studies (X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging), or Electromyography (EMG). I got all these examinations. The orthopedic surgeon carried out a complete physical examination of my leg, and he also made me have an EMG done, which is a test for assessing nerve function and muscle activity. The EMG that I have done showed an absence of motor activity in the left peroneus longus and tibialis anterior muscles. 😖

What is the treatment?
The most common treatment for treating a foot drop is physical therapy which tries not only to strengthen the muscles that were affected by the injury but also to recover their range of motion. After that, we have the use of an AFO (Ankle Foot Orthosis) which is a brace that helps the patient to walk without dragging their foot. Finally, this condition can be treated by surgical procedures. I recently realized that there is a surgery called "tendon transfer" that could help patients who have a foot drop. This surgery consists of replacing the affected tendon with a healthy one that could restore the dorsiflexion of the ankle.  

To sum it up, a foot drop is an inability to lift the forefoot, often resulting in the dragging of the foot along the ground. Besides that, the causes of foot drop vary, encompassing nerve damage, spinal cord injuries, and muscle disorders. Furthermore, diagnosing foot drops involves a combination of physical and neurological examinations. Finally, treatment options include physical therapy, Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO), and surgical interventions.

I am sorry for using medical terminology, but I had to use it in order to explain this condition. Believe me, I have learned these terms throughout all the years that I have spent in the orthopedic area, so whenever I get an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, I can easily explain my condition using the appropriate terminology. 😅


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Broken Bones part II


Hey! How are you doing? I really hope that you had a wonderful week. 

I don't know if you remember, but last time I told you about one of the most horrible moments that I have gone through. As I mentioned in my previous post, I had an accident on December 24th, 2013, in which I fell into a hole about five or six meters deep. I also told you that I didn't get any medical treatment for around one year. You may wonder if I didn't get any natural treatment to heal my bones. Well, believe me, I tried everything. 😂 You know, when someone breaks a bone or has an accident, everybody comes to you telling you to try a natural remedy. Yes, the first thing people recommended to me was to go to a "sobador." Indeed, I visited some "sobadores" near where I live, but it is something I definitely do not recommend you to do. Why? because it was extremely painful, and it didn't work. Literally, the "sobador" wanted to fix my ankle (which was very stiff because it had been many months since I had this accident, so the joint of my ankle had ankylosis, which is a medical term to refer to a joint that is stiff due to an injury or trauma) without anesthesia. 😰😱 He tried to fix my ankle, but the pain was unbearable and I almost fainted, so I told my parents that I couldn't do that and that I preferred to live with a dislocated ankle rather than going through that dreadful pain. 😫 In addition to that, people told me to try other remedies like putting some natural ointments (herbs, honey, ice...) on my leg to heal my bones, but none of them worked because what I had was even more complicated. Please do not try any of the remedies people suggest to you. I know that our friends or family just want to help us, but they are not qualified to give us medical treatment; that's why, you ALWAYS have to get proper treatment with a professional. Or even worse, do not try remedies you see on social media. Natural remedies may sometimes be effective, but only when they are prescribed by a professional. 

After trying all these natural remedies, I finally (yes, FINALLY, a year later of the accident. 😅) got the proper medical care in SB hospital (sorry for not writing the complete name of the hospital or doctors, but for "professional ETHICS" I cannot write them. 😂) Just after I had resigned myself to living with my broken bones, a relative told me "why don't you go to SB hospital where a friend of mine works as a nurse. I am really sure that he can recommend you a doctor", so I went to this hospital where I met one of the most wonderful doctors I have ever met. Well, let me explain to you why I consider Dr. H an outstanding health provider. Well, I still remember that since he saw me (without even having seen my X-rays) coming into the consulting room he knew what my diagnosis was. Yes, to make sure, he took a look at my X-rays and he finally gave me an exact and right diagnosis: I had a dislocated ankle and a contracted Achilles tendon; what it means foot drop, but this was only a partial diagnosis because some years later the doctor found out other injuries due to the same accident. 

Yes, the FINAL and EXACT diagnosis was a foot drop. (I know you may be wondering what that is, but I will explain it to you in more detail in another post.) As a result, in February 2015, I had an ankle surgery that helped me to walk again.😆 Dr. H made a lengthening of my Achilles tendon (he made my tendon longer because it was shortened) and he also operated on my dislocated ankle. I still remember the snap of my ankle when the doctor moved it to the right position. (Yes, I was under anesthesia and I didn't feel any pain. Now it scares me to think that the "sobador" wanted to move my ankle to the correct position without anesthesia.) After the surgery, I had a medical incapacity for around three months and a long physical rehabilitation in the physiotherapy department (I actually spent many years in physiotherapy). Even though the doctor operated on my ankle, he told me that I was going to wear an AFO (Ankle Foot Orthesis, which is basically a brace that helps me to walk) lifetime due to the severe damage I suffered. Now I have a twenty-stitch scar and I wear an AFO. (Dr. H is now one of my favorite friends. He is a really kind, friendly, and caring doctor.) 

AFO (Ankle Foot Orthosis)

That was all for today!!!! I still have so much to tell you about it, so I will continue in the next post. I really hope you are enjoying this adventure with me. Let me know if you have ever broken a bone. THANKS, A LOT FOR READING. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! 💓

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Broken Bones Part I


Hello, my dear reader. I hope that you are having a wonderful day! Welcome again to my blog! Make yourself comfortable because it will be a long story! 👀😬

For many people, December is their favorite month of the year because it brings them the best memories they have lived with their family or friends. December is a month when people can spend time with their family, hang out with their friends, take a break from college or work, or visit the tourist places of our country. Especially, when you are a kid, December can become one of your favorite seasons of the year since it means eating "Panes con Pollo, dancing, singing, playing with your cousins, or bursting fireworks

Let me tell you that December 2013 has been one of the worst moments that I have lived in my life. Everything was going okay, I was just a kid and a kid is supposed to enjoy season Eve. Right? 😣 It was December 24th, 2013 in the morning and everything was normal. I was having a great time and I was really excited because my parents had told me that in the afternoon we were going to visit our grandma. I suddenly thought that it meant that I was going to have fun playing with my cousins. After arriving at our grandma's house, everything was going wonderfully until one of my cousins asked me if I wanted to burst fireworks with her and I said "Yes". My cousin was waiting for me to follow her to the place where we were supposed to burst the fireworks. Then, of nothing, everything turned dark, apparently I had lost consciousness and when I woke up I realized that I was in the emergency area in the C's hospital. Believe me, I do not remember what happened to me. I was scared and disoriented, and I wondered what I was doing, at night, on December 24th in the hospital. But what happened? 😰 Well, I fell down in a septic tank that my grandparents were constructing in their house, so when I was going to set off the fireworks with my cousin, I didn't realize that there was a hole right where I was passing. This hole had a depth of around five or six meters and it was not covered, so it means that this accident could have happened to anyone who came to the house. You may wonder why no one told me that a septic tank was being built or why no one covered that hole with something to prevent an accident. Well, I do not know. It is a question that I have wondered about for many years and from which I will never get an answer. 

Going back to when I arrived at the hospital, guess what? The worst thing you can imagine happened. 😓 There were no specialists at the emergency department as it was the holiday season (yes, bad idea to have an accident during these days 😖), so I did not receive any treatment and yes, the general doctors only gave some painkillers as if it was all that I needed or as if painkillers were the solution for everything. Since there wasn't an orthopedic surgeon (doctor in charge of treating, healing, and diagnosing injuries or diseases related to the musculoskeletal system including bones, ligaments, tendons, nerves, cartilages, etc.) in this hospital, they gave a medical referral to the R Hospital. There, it was even worse because the doctors just told me that I had a knee sprain and that it wasn't something to be worried about. I know it wasn't the best diagnosis (I guess they were drunk or something. Just kidding! 😂 Or maybe yes. I don't know. hahaha 😅) Literally, I spent a whole week hospitalized for a simple knee sprain (according to the doctor from the R hospital. Yes, it is supposed that they are the best ones in the country) and after that, I came back home with some painkillers.   

So, what was the correct diagnosis? I didn't find out until a year later. Yep, I spent a whole year without receiving any medical treatment. For a whole year, I wore crutches because I wasn't able to walk. Wait, are you kidding? No, I am not kidding. 😭 You may wonder why. 😲 Well, because some of the doctors I called on told me that everything was okay, that it was me who didn't want to walk. They treated me as if I had some sort of mental or emotional trauma that didn't allow me to recover and others told me that they had to put orthopedic plates (something that I absolutely didn't need) on me to fix my foot. Yes, you are right, what about X-rays? Didn't you get some X-rays done? Didn't they show any fracture? I do not know because doctors just told me that everything was okay and that I didn't have anything serious, so I believed them. I simply resigned myself to the pain and the idea that I would never walk again...  

The story does not end here. I told you that it was going to be a long story.  If you want to know how this goes, read my next post. I will leave you in suspense!😎 

Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate that you come here and take some time to read my posts. It means a lot to me. 💖

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Medical School


Why would I like to get into medical school?

Let me tell you that apart from studying foreign languages, I am also trying to study medicine on my own. Whenever I have free time, I love reading medical books, looking for information about how our body works, or watching videos and posts about anatomy, physiology, patient care, surgeries, etc. on the med pages that I follow on my social media, so whenever I log into them I always find interesting med posts.

I know that soon I will get a bachelor's degree in modern languages and that maybe I won't have time to study another major because I want to start working as well, or it may sound sort of absurd to study more years at the university after having been there for a while, but it has always been my dream to study medicine. However, I am not quite sure if I would be a good medical student because I do not even know if I have the vocation, but anyway if I have the opportunity, time, and money I will do it without hesitating. I also know that medicine is one of the hardest and longest majors and that it requires many sacrifices, efforts, perseverance, courage, intelligence, motivation, and time, but I have always been passionate about learning and knowing how the human body is made of and how it works. I have always been curious about knowing how to diagnose and treat different illnesses and how to fix the body. 

Honestly, I have spent many years in the hospital as a patient (I will tell you why I am a regular patient in the hospital and to be more specific, I am a patient in the orthopedic department, but that is a long story, so I will dedicate a whole post to telling you more about it because it will take me some time), so I am kind of familiar with that environment and I would like to work there since I love how doctors help their patients, and how they devote and sacrifice their lives to care for them (or at least some of them are like that. Yes, I know that there are many doctors who are there just for their salary, but I have met some who are really human and who really care about their patients' well-being). I do not want to be the patient anymore, but I want to be the one healing and caring about others. 

Furthermore, I feel that medicine is a specialty where you will always feel important and rewarded in your work. Knowing that your knowledge can help someone or make a person's life better is priceless. Personally, I am extremely thankful to the doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists who have been there for caring about me through all these past years. I have made some very good friends as a patient in the hospital and I want to be that friend that someone else can count on during their healing or treatment process. I am sure that doctors feel rewarded when they help alleviate their patients' suffering and pain, when they see that their patients have improved in their healing process, or when they realize that their patients do not need their care anymore because they are doing much better. 

Finally, studying medicine will help me to understand my medical condition more since some years ago I had an accident that affected most of my left leg, but that's a long story. It also means that I will be able to take care of myself and have a better understanding of my body's functions, structures, and pathologies. (Yes, I will be able to prescribe myself some drugs and if I get the wrong treatment, it will be my fault.) 😂

Here between us, I don't know if I would make a good medical student because I actually love to sleep a lot, so I don't know if I'm willing to sacrifice my sleep. ha ha ha ðŸ˜…

I know that it may be just a dream, but dreaming is free. 😌 I also feel like I'm betraying the foreign language department by wanting to study medicine. (I also love teaching foreign languages, but I would like to explore another field.) 😂

Thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed it. 💖

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Online learning modality

THURSDAY 31TH AUGUST 2023. 20:29

Hey! Hello! How are you doing? I am really glad that you are here again to read my post. Today, I will talk about the online learning modality. I am really sure that is something you are familiar with. As you know in recent years we have been studying online because of the coronavirus outbreak and recently because of the "Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe." I know that the beginning of the online learning modality was extremely difficult since we were accustomed to onsite courses. In fact, it was a big change for us college students who never imagined we were going to take courses online. If we talk about online learning modality, we have to mention the advantages and disadvantages of this modality, so I will mention some of them.

Let's begin talking about the inconveniences of online learning modality. (WARNING! Everything that I will mention here is based on my own experience and my own perspective, so you do not need to agree with me on all the points I will touch on and discuss. Feel free to leave your comments.) 

First, online modality had a negative impact on my physical health. Some years ago, I had a spinal cord injury, so spending hours and hours sitting in front of the computer made the pain in my back increase a lot. Last year, I had to get treatment to relieve the pain because I wasn't able to sit for many hours. Thankfully, the treatment I got helped me a lot. This was expensive, but I do not regret having spent money on it.  It was a chiropractic treatment where the doctor moved the bones that were in the wrong position (yes, it was satisfying when I heard my bones snap and move to the correct position) Now, I am doing much better with my spinal cord. Yes, I know I try not to sit for so long and I try to take some breaks and stretch my back to reduce pain. Besides the pain in my back, I usually get eye strain whenever I am working on my laptop. Literally, I do everything on my laptop from looking for information to writing and reading, but whenever I can, I print the material we have to study (I know, it can be expensive to spend money on it, but it is much better studying and reading physical materials.) I remember that last semester my right eye became red and hurt a lot because I had spent many hours in front of the computer and I was not able to use it for about three days. 

Another disadvantage is that this modality affected my mental health. Being at home every day for many months caused me social anxiety. I felt anxious whenever I was taking my online courses, and it was a horrible experience. For example, I remember taking the course Reading and Conversation II in which I couldn't participate as I wanted in the speaking practice because I always had a trembling voice, sweaty hands, and a fast heartbeat whenever I turned on the microphone to speak. (Fortunately, I overcame that anxiety of online courses. Now, I am not afraid of talking and participating). 

A final downside of the online learning modality is that I easily get distracted. Since I am at home, the littlest noise can distract me. Let me tell you that here at home my family is always making noise (for instance, they listen to the radio, they watch television, or my siblings fight for no reason). Now, I will say that I can concentrate and study even though there is background noise. I guess I am already accustomed to it. 

On the other hand, I consider that studying online has many advantages for students. To begin with, we have access to information and course materials whenever we want. Thanks to technology, we can take our courses fast and easily. I know that in the beginning, it was a little complicated because we had never used platforms like Classroom, Google Meet, or Schoology, but now we are experts using these websites. I really like online modality since I can access the internet whenever I do not understand a topic we are studying. Believe me, the internet has been my best friend in recent years. I love YouTube as I can find valuable information useful to practice my foreign languages. For example, when I was taking the English and French pronunciation course, I found a channel where professors taught you how to correctly produce and articulate English and French sounds. Of course, we also have the opportunity to review and check the recorded classes. 

In addition to that, I would also say that with the online learning modality, I have avoided traffic jams. I am sure that you will agree with me that the worst part of onsite courses is traveling in crowded and noisy buses and being stuck in a traffic jam for one or two hours. I remember once I traveled for around two hours by public transportation to arrive at the university just for the teacher to send us an email saying he was not going to be able to give the course. I mean with online modality, you can get up to ten minutes before the class starts without worrying about being late to the classroom. You can even have breakfast while taking classes, so I feel really comfortable taking online courses.   

Finally, I think that the online learning modality allows me to have better time management. Yes, I know that most of us travel four or five hours on public transport. Valuable hours we could spend studying and reviewing our course materials. Without mentioning that after hours and hours in public buses, you end up exhausted and come back home to rest and recover from your mental and physical fatigue. Fortunately, with online courses, I have more free time to do other things that are not related to college. I have more time to spend on my favorite hobbies. 

To conclude, online learning modality has changed the way students take traditional courses. It is clear that online learning modality can present many disadvantages for students because it can affect their physical and mental health, or they may not have the appropriate environment to take their courses. However, it is undeniably important to highlight the benefits of studying online like easy and fast information retrieval, fewer traffic congestion, and much more free time. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog! I really appreciate it! Let me know in the comments what you think about the online learning modality. I will be more than glad to read your comments. I hope you enjoyed reading it! 

Writing a short story

  SUNDAY 26TH NOVEMBER 2023. 17:00 Hello everyone! How are you doing? I really hope that everything is okay. I'm really sure that you ar...