Saturday, September 23, 2023

Broken Bones part II


Hey! How are you doing? I really hope that you had a wonderful week. 

I don't know if you remember, but last time I told you about one of the most horrible moments that I have gone through. As I mentioned in my previous post, I had an accident on December 24th, 2013, in which I fell into a hole about five or six meters deep. I also told you that I didn't get any medical treatment for around one year. You may wonder if I didn't get any natural treatment to heal my bones. Well, believe me, I tried everything. 😂 You know, when someone breaks a bone or has an accident, everybody comes to you telling you to try a natural remedy. Yes, the first thing people recommended to me was to go to a "sobador." Indeed, I visited some "sobadores" near where I live, but it is something I definitely do not recommend you to do. Why? because it was extremely painful, and it didn't work. Literally, the "sobador" wanted to fix my ankle (which was very stiff because it had been many months since I had this accident, so the joint of my ankle had ankylosis, which is a medical term to refer to a joint that is stiff due to an injury or trauma) without anesthesia. 😰😱 He tried to fix my ankle, but the pain was unbearable and I almost fainted, so I told my parents that I couldn't do that and that I preferred to live with a dislocated ankle rather than going through that dreadful pain. 😫 In addition to that, people told me to try other remedies like putting some natural ointments (herbs, honey, ice...) on my leg to heal my bones, but none of them worked because what I had was even more complicated. Please do not try any of the remedies people suggest to you. I know that our friends or family just want to help us, but they are not qualified to give us medical treatment; that's why, you ALWAYS have to get proper treatment with a professional. Or even worse, do not try remedies you see on social media. Natural remedies may sometimes be effective, but only when they are prescribed by a professional. 

After trying all these natural remedies, I finally (yes, FINALLY, a year later of the accident. 😅) got the proper medical care in SB hospital (sorry for not writing the complete name of the hospital or doctors, but for "professional ETHICS" I cannot write them. 😂) Just after I had resigned myself to living with my broken bones, a relative told me "why don't you go to SB hospital where a friend of mine works as a nurse. I am really sure that he can recommend you a doctor", so I went to this hospital where I met one of the most wonderful doctors I have ever met. Well, let me explain to you why I consider Dr. H an outstanding health provider. Well, I still remember that since he saw me (without even having seen my X-rays) coming into the consulting room he knew what my diagnosis was. Yes, to make sure, he took a look at my X-rays and he finally gave me an exact and right diagnosis: I had a dislocated ankle and a contracted Achilles tendon; what it means foot drop, but this was only a partial diagnosis because some years later the doctor found out other injuries due to the same accident. 

Yes, the FINAL and EXACT diagnosis was a foot drop. (I know you may be wondering what that is, but I will explain it to you in more detail in another post.) As a result, in February 2015, I had an ankle surgery that helped me to walk again.😆 Dr. H made a lengthening of my Achilles tendon (he made my tendon longer because it was shortened) and he also operated on my dislocated ankle. I still remember the snap of my ankle when the doctor moved it to the right position. (Yes, I was under anesthesia and I didn't feel any pain. Now it scares me to think that the "sobador" wanted to move my ankle to the correct position without anesthesia.) After the surgery, I had a medical incapacity for around three months and a long physical rehabilitation in the physiotherapy department (I actually spent many years in physiotherapy). Even though the doctor operated on my ankle, he told me that I was going to wear an AFO (Ankle Foot Orthesis, which is basically a brace that helps me to walk) lifetime due to the severe damage I suffered. Now I have a twenty-stitch scar and I wear an AFO. (Dr. H is now one of my favorite friends. He is a really kind, friendly, and caring doctor.) 

AFO (Ankle Foot Orthosis)

That was all for today!!!! I still have so much to tell you about it, so I will continue in the next post. I really hope you are enjoying this adventure with me. Let me know if you have ever broken a bone. THANKS, A LOT FOR READING. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT! 💓


  1. I actually had tears coming out. 😭😭😭You don't know how much I feel that cruel pain that you have gone through. my skin breaks down. But now you can walk and I'm very happy😯 about that.

  2. What a complicated situation you went through, I'm so sorry. Thank God, you are in good health today.
    BTW, when you put Doctor H. I thought of Dr. House hehehe

  3. Personally, I don't believe in the "sobadores" even if i'm afraid of hospitalsxd I prefer to go to the doctor or to a specialist. I'm glad to hear that you got the adequate medical attention and that the doctor gave you a diagnosis after so much time; I bet it was a huge relief. Thanks for sharing the definition of some medical terms:)

  4. I've never had a broken bone, Ili. I don't believe in "sobadores" either. My mother had a broken bone this year, it was really hard to see her in that situation, so I kind of understand from an indirect perspective your situation. I am glad you got the proper medical care at the end :)

  5. I can't even imagine the pain you went through but good thing you found an amazing doctor. :D

    By the way, I've been to a "sobador" before and I had a terrible experience yet funny at the same time. It's a long story but that whole event was actually weird. :O

  6. I'm happy you decided to post something like this. You know, I had two back surgeries when I was a kid. For some reason, talking about scars and all made me feel really ashamed, and I grew up thinking that it's something not to be talked about. However, the openness with which you talk about your experience makes me realize that there's nothing to be ashamed of 😅 Thank you, Iliana 💖

  7. I cannot even fantom the pain you had to endure for that long, I'm glad to heard that you got tratment and now you are better. P.S Sobadores are one of my biggests fears XD 💓


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